Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 2014

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a restful time with family and friends. Thank you to all of my wonderful parents/guardians for their very generous holiday gift, it was very special that many of you took the time to meet at the end of the day and present me with my gift.  I treasure each child in my class and am inspired, each and every day, by their desire to learn! 

A new year and a new IB unit- Materials

We begin the new year with a new unit called "How the World Works"
-we will inquire into the natural world and explore the interactions between the natural world and human societies.

Our central idea is that "All materials have qualities that determine how they can be used".

You can carry on with this theme at home by asking your child questions about materials like wood, metal, paper, wool, leather, silk, and plastic.

"What is it made of?", Where did it come from?", What are the qualities of different materials?", and "Why do we use certain materials for objects?"

It would also be helpful if you could send different materials from home ( tiny boxes, beach glass, fabrics, ect) that we can  discuss during our circle time, imagination centres and sharing activities.

This unit is great for developing curiosity, creativity, and research skills!

Letter of the week

Each week we focus on a letter of the alphabet in many of our activities.  I am asking students to bring something from home that begins with the letter of the week.  The week of January 6th-10th is Nn, January 13th- 17th is Oo, ect. 

We are continuing our new recess routine

Children no longer eat their recess snack in the classroom.  To prepare them for grade one I have changed their routine by getting them to take a snack out with them at recess.  This not only allows them to gain greater independence, but it also allows for more instructional/activity time before the recess break. It would be great if parents could keep that in mind when packing their snacks for the day.   

Just a reminder that next Friday, on January the 17th there will be no school!